Pleased as punch to get a 5 star review for the book on Amazon UK (and checking later there's one on US as well!).
Finished writing Sabbatical, the futuristic short story with a twist and the plot thickens in Inkredible with the discovery of a mass burial. Who will figure it out first?
Working on the fifth short story in the growing collection, a futuristic nightmare for one man with an ironic twist. For short story collection tasters, have a look at the Snippets to the left here or click on over to the Free Stuff page where you can download a couple to read in full over your morning coffee. Shorts are going out for beta as they're completed.
Simultaneously and in true never focus on just one thing Juliet style, am working on the debut novel and gradually enlisting beta readers for that. Froze up on that for a while and realised it was because I didn't like a plot thread I added. Now that's identified and the remedy decided upon, the 'just not feeling it' syndrome has dissipated and words are ready to fall onto the page again.
Inkredible is a supernatural murder mystery horror set in the real world around everyday people. Not ready to give too much away just yet except that there are lots of horrid deaths, strange goings on and ordinary lives shattered, all wrapped up in a little bit of mysticism and philosophy. Who'll figure it out and stop the horror first, and how?
Promo copies of the cross-stitch books arrived from CreateSpace. Hugely impressed with the quality of print and binding. Makes me grin from ear to ear to look at them and think 'I did that' and all for a worthy cause. Copies will soon be sent to genre magazines for preview. It's probably my first and last book of this kind so it's not only unique and original, it's also very exclusive. 100% of royalties go to the MS Society and always will.
Some great news today. CreateSpace, the print-on-demand publishers now distribute through Amazon's European channels. That means, of course, that the printed book is now available and IN STOCK on, .de, .fr, .es, and .it as well as from this site. Click the image to go straight to the product page.
Each design in the Egyptian Collection is carefully created by hand one stitch at a time translating Egyptian art into cross stitch motifs. All are inspired by Ancient Egyptian art, including the Book of the Dead (a book of prayers and blessings for the recently departed, not the dark forces that the movies tell you!). Work a full sampler or use the individual motifs to decorate anything from cards and bookmarks to towels and tablecloths.
When you buy this book, the blessings continue! 100% of royalties go to the MS Society, helping the fight against MS the world over. Information about the good cause you're helping is included in the book.
The glossy soft-back book contains charts and full instructions to complete the full sampler or individual motifs. Charts are in full colour with symbols in black overlaid on colour blocks making them bright and easy to follow. Dimensions are given for three counts of fabric and each key is provided for three major brands of cotton floss.
So glad to see you lovely people are downloading the free chart of the month and even more so the free short stories. The short story collection is growing and will soon be published through Kindle and CreateSpace.
Don't forget though, all of the charts for sale in the same format from the store are 100% for charity. Every penny goes to the MS Society to help the fightback against MS the world over.
The 'Free Stuff' page now hosts two short stories and the free cross stitch chart for April/May.
Journal of a Cat of Leisure is an extract from the journal of Fooby the cat under the nom de plume of Foobyevsky. There's a slight air of Dostoyevsky about her work but more a more distinct air feline superiority complex.
Meter Man is the story of a retired man from Anywhere, his spend-thrift wife and a gas meter. What could possibly happen there to write about? Read his story in his own words in the short story inspired by a very small article in the local paper about a stolen gas meter. Why would anyone do a thing like that?
The Taurus cross stitch chart is on special offer for as long as the sun is in Taurus. On May 22nd it will be back to £1.50 charity download status and you'll have to go through the shopping cart process to get it.
Having learned a few new tricks in publishing the Union Jack Beanie Kindle book, I've reformatted and republished the Egyptian Collection cross stitch Kindle books so they're now even more readable and easy to follow.
I'm also waiting for copies of the printed book to arrive so I can lend them out for preview in the name of promoting it for sale. Determined to bring in those royalties for charity!
Well, the website is now packed with products, some to download, some you can get only through Amazon. Trying to figure out a way round the ISBN problem that means the book can only be listed on USA sites, although it can be ordered through me. Loads more designs to be added to this site, including the latest Kindle publication:
Waiting to hear from some retailers about the book. If they haven't replied to emails by Monday, I'll give them a call. If they say no, that's fine, but at least then they've said something!
The website is now live!! It's been kept up to date with news items, archived on the News Archive tab.
The files for the 'real' book are in final proof stage with CreateSpace after which the book will be available to buy from Amazon.
In the process of completing US tax forms prior to royalties coming in. author profile is now live and viewable in conjunction with all the live publications. View profile
The three Kindle books are listed under Juliet Foster and open to reviews and ratings. Updates and development to the profile are underway.
Cover image for the 'real' book is now complete. The cover is a front and back spread matching the cover of the eBooks in the collection. It's a massive file, but here's a thumbnail view for a good idea of how the finished article will look. The final product will have a barcode in the space just left of centre in this image.
The third in the Egyptian Collection series of counted cross stitch charts for Kindle is now available in the Kindle Store. A new 'real' book is in development containing these motifs and the 200 x 200 stitch Egyptian Sampler for which these little cuties were designed.
The book, once it's ready will go into a print on demand scheme so no paper is wasted in print runs for inventory. All royalties on this and other Counted Cross Stitch eBooklets by Juliet go to the MS Society.
The second in the series of designs from the Egyptian Collection of counted cross stitch designs is now available to download from the Amazon Kindle Store.
Heh, the god of Mischief (or Chaos) is a bright and bold design motif taken from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. He is the most challenging of the collection.
Launching the Egyptian Collection of counted cross stitch designs on Amazon Kindle, the Eye of Horus motif, symbol of protection and good health, is a small but challenging project.
Based on public feedback on other products, visibility is an issue. Where that might happen, instructions are given below the chart explaining how to overcome the problem.
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